Sep 26, 2008
Oh god... the noise...
Okay, now then. They've been resurfacing
the road out front for about 7 hours a day now.
Since Monday.
I\'ve done that several times now (the \'construction noise thing\'). It works but it can get tiresome. Mostly, the noise is so overwhwlming, I don\'t want to record, is the problem... Sorry for any delayed responses, I haven\'t had internet for a day or so.
Here\'s an idea: Why don\'t you write a sketch that has construction equipment in the background?
Two guys in hard hats get into a humorous situation...
Some schmo in a car is trying to get someplace but the DAMN CONSTRUCTION...
A Really Important Person is trying to hold a conference call with a multimillion dollar potential customer while a new hotel goes up next door...
Something like that. Then, you simply fold the construction noise into your zen-like embrace and instead of fighting it, make it work for you.
Wow CCC...take the break, u need it. srsly. hah, again, thx for the help wiht my podcast, when i start to drag my lazy ass and get it up and running, i\'ll let u know. gl with the cancer. i\'m sure it won\'t be a problem, we believe in u!! DEATH TO ALL NOISES!
My god !! I really feel sorry for you. Cayenne dont worry about the show just relax, when the madness dies down and you feel better from the surgery then you can make us laugh again.
We are your fans and we will follow you to the depths of hell!!