Mar 14, 2008
I like this. Mr. Conroy can do no wrong IMO. for anyone that wants to join the forum
Great show, but I have a problem with your episode numbering that I\'ve never had before (because I\'ve never had more than one episode on my player at a time, my appetite being so voracious). If you order the episodes by file name, they\'re not in published order. 3-14 comes BEFORE 3-7 and I hear them out of order. Especially problematic when you\'re doing series.
If I may suggest, date them 08-03-07 (for example) so they\'ll always be in the correct order.
The forum can be accessed by my name
where\'s the board?
Not to be reapoasting like an ass but I\'ll be willing to work with you to figure out wtf is going on with your account
I love the epic music. If it ain\'t broke, don\'t break it
Not to ask for critisizm, but as a Atheist-Agnostic I loved the rant