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- TEKDIFF (teknikal diffikulties)-

Comedic ramblings for a confused generation (not this one, the previous one. Geez.)

Jul 26, 2008

A trying week of crazy noise. Whee.
Anyway, I brung the laffs, you bring the chips and cheese!

I did a Transformers Rejects for

I don't think it's up yet, but keep an eye out for it.

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over sixteen years ago

Oh geez, gawfah-fu & Dr. Mahoingagonoingagoingaha had me in stitches.

Er...Actually it was the surgeon, but you know what I mean.

Anto \"Nighthawk\"
over sixteen years ago

wewt, a new album would be kick ass. Cayanne, i noe i already emailed u but i just love hounding u to reply to my emails :P anyway, if u could send that interview response in the next week or so i\'d be very happy, thx.

Chris \"Aquazorx\"
over sixteen years ago

WWOOOO LINKIN album soon!


and no its not its bloody raining here :P