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- TEKDIFF (teknikal diffikulties)-

Comedic ramblings for a confused generation (not this one, the previous one. Geez.)

Jul 14, 2006

Sales! Fish! Pants! Eggs! Culture! The Dead! all this and a new Cop Beat! In a curiously subdude mood as well...

eighteen and a half years ago


I loved it! Keep it up!

eighteen and a half years ago

I swear I heard your old show into on a commercial.
... it was crazy.
You know, maybe I\'ve gone insane. ...
I don\'t know.

al saiz
eighteen and a half years ago

I concur with ElNacho, that was one of your best shows and I\'ve heard them all. Self-deprecating? maybe Self-defecating! :)

eighteen and a half years ago

Dude, it\'s not \"self-depreciating,\" unless you\'re saying you\'re getting less expensive as you age... it\'s \"self-deprecating.\" I expect to hear a correction in the next show. :)

eighteen and a half years ago

comically subdued? are you kidding? one of the funniest shows in a long time man! this was absolutely hilarious. way to go

code, down there...327748. you shud pay me for this