Jul 29, 2006
Although I am a great fan of yours, I\'ve never written before to say how much I admire your comedy. I feel that someday you\'ll become famous and I\'ll be able to say I used to listened to you way back when you were only on the web. I enjoy your videos, too, but I think your real genius is in the audio format. NOTE -- The Future Tense public radio program on American Public Media mentioned your program today (8/1/2006) when talking about the diamonds among the coal of podcasts. Your show was the first of only two mentioned by name. Before your show was mentioned, I was thinking it ought to be. Wow! You\'re a one-man Second City group -- and often funnier. Keep up the wonderful work.
It\'s a sign of the apocalypse!! Cayenne got my name right!! Eeek! Stop drop and roll!
Oh, just so you know, I listened to this while doing the dishes and laughed so hard I dropped a big bowl back into the bucket, and it all exploded with water and hilarity everywhere.
Excellent show, and no, we never say eh that much.
Eat flamming Canadian death!
Loved it.
Best show in a long time.
Ooooo, Lenyrd in uniform? I luuuuv men in uniforms!
Whatever you\'re smoking lately, send me some!
The show is just better and better each week.