Nov 30, 2007
Finally heard LG, and I absolutely loved it. The reviews really take it beyond being a video game-flavored Tekdiff.
Congrats on the advent calendar, that was an incredible feat of podcasting. :)
Hiya Cayenne! Great show, and the name for it is perfect! (Once I found out what I meant at the end of the show that is.) Loved the comedic gag at the beginning too, one of my favorites to pull on audiences! Can\'t wait for the next Level Grind!! And loving the advent calender too. Good work!
Any chance that the LARP society will make it into the show? Gamer geeks are funny. ;)
Wow. My fans are more gaming savvy than I thought. Okay. I declare LG a hit!
LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT! More Level Grind soon please, Mr. Conroy sir!
Many thanks again for the voiceovers!! :)
You obviously have wasted collectively several years of your life playing video games. Well done.
What an ambitious goal. Even if you do not pull it off, to undertake such and endeavored is commendable. I look forward to your complete breakdown come the 26th of December.
AWESOME SHOW! I enjoyed \"Level Grind\" #1 even though I am not a huge gamer. Can\'t wait to hear the next one!
I am even more excited for you to post something new every day for the month of December. In fact, I am so excited that I am going to do it along with you. Yep, the 25 Days of Just Not Right have begun. Starting today when I get home from work. D\'oh!
the knowledge of the games is equal if not better then the comedy. btw i\'m a huge gamer in the sports relm so if u need to know nething about that i\'d be willing to help.
Hey! That rocked! It was almost a good review, but extremely funny as well. Love the comparaison of Mario and RE. Heehee. If you need any Wow story ideas, email me. I\'ll think up a few for you. I think it is funny that I was playing wow as I listened, grinding away on my Troll Hunter to get past lvl 52. Ugh.
By the by, I sent a long review/request for pimping to Scott Johnson of He has two podcasts, one about Wow and one about general geekery and I asked him to pimp you. Pimp-pimp. Maybe he will!
awesome! three thumbs up for Level Grind.
holy crap, new stuff everyday! AWESOME
Dec 21st is my birthday hmmmm
it was good...level grind could be my second source of game info :P and put the internal advertising arc story together please i liked that
What no Mega Man?
Yes! 1 positive! Woot!
Loved the show.
Level Grind was really fun, and informative at the same time :)