Jul 27, 2005
Last call for July! Kenji sees us out and the Principal has lost his bearings. Fun for the whole family.. if the family is a bit on the dodgy side.
Jul 20, 2005
Strap it on for the new show! Another solo jump from me! Have fun a nd clean up this place when yer done!
Jul 13, 2005
The mighty return! Okay, 1 week demands no fanfare, but hey, the show is up so tune in and lock on! Some links of interest: tekdiff@tcinternet.net http://suegrandys.libsyn.com/ My wife Susan interviewed me! It's a cool new show which asks deep questions to the average person. It's called: Uncomfortable Questions. Give...
Jul 5, 2005
And the news IS...! No show this week. Sorry, but I need a week off so's I can get some house work done and recharge the 'ol creative batteries. SO! The next new show will be in the que on July 13th! And I promise it'll be a doozy! Also the viability of the video program will have been hashed out by then, so perhaps...
Jul 4, 2005
So for those of you who's interested, let me clue you in on the sad pathetic present of your favorite podcast and why It's becoming a bit of a struggle to keep my enthusiasm up about doing the show... I've been doing the show since late Feb 2005, and I've seen a slow but steady climb in listenership. However upon...