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- TEKDIFF (teknikal diffikulties)-

Comedic ramblings for a confused generation (not this one, the previous one. Geez.)

Sep 29, 2006

Ouch. Where'd that wall come from...

Sep 22, 2006

Orcs, headaches, Animal TV, bluffs, more Orcs, therapy, and Lynerd's Big Adventure!

Sep 16, 2006

Coffee Nerves, Blame, & more! Crappy jokes need luvvvv!

Sep 9, 2006

The Phone system, Eugene O'neil, Drinking problems, Gang Bustahs and Lynerd gears up.

Sep 2, 2006

The Listeners Challenge me! I rise! I go back to bed! Misanthropy! Monsters! Bandages! Suicide! TWO-HEADED MONKEY!! FIFTY DOLLARS!!!! Have you seen Pastor Ermine? If so please contact this podcast...